
Five on Friday

Friday, January 26, 2018

Woohoo, we made it to the weekend! Let's take a minute to have a dance party to celebrate!

I have been working from home this entire week + it's bitterly cold outside, so I feel like I am going a little bit stir crazy!! I am planning a work-from-home post soon because as fun as it sounds, it's sometimes not very fun and requires good time management and organization.

Ok on to my five favorites for the week!

1) I posted about this on Insta the other day .... I'm addicted to chlorophyll water. I found out about the magic of chlorophyll from The Skinny Confidential, and decided to pick up this bottle from WholeFoods. It's $12.99 and has 32 servings - I'm assuming if you take it twice a day. I put two tablespoons in a big tumbler of ice and cold water, and then before bad I take a shot of one tablespoon. I think I'm sleeping better and feeling more energized. And the mint flavor is yummy. Read here for more benefits!

2) Detox foot pads - I don't know where I heard about these, but I saw them at TJMaxx last week and decided to pick up a package for $4.99 and try them out. I hate sleeping with anything on my feet, so I didn't LOVE that part, but in the morning, my pads were BLACK. Supposedly this meant that my liver needed a good detox (yikes, must be all that wine!). But, I felt amazing. I literally jumped out of bed at 6am. I am not a morning person, so that does not ever happen to me! You can also find a ton of them on Amazon!

2b) Pete thinks I'm crazy that I'm doing both of these. He says he's going to think of something totally random to bottle and sell to schmucks like me .... hey, what can I say? I'm always down for trying something new!

3) I officially started school this week. And five days in, I am already so overwhelmed. It's super challenging but very time consuming. I need to somehow find room in my schedule for at least 2 hours a day of school work. I know that I just need to really tighten up how I spend my days, and get better at not wasting time on random things. I am determined to be successful and do well in this class no matter what it takes, so wish me luck!

A few essentials - blanket, coffee, laptop and headphones! 

4) We leave for Minneapolis in ONE week, and I cannot freaking wait. I'm stalking the weather like a psycho, and planning and re-planning all my outfits. I know it will be super cold, and I'm trying to pack everything into a carryon - ha, I guess we'll see how well I do with that!!

5) I'm obsessing over this Gucci cross body bag. She's so pretty!!!! I absolutely cannot justify this kind of purchase right now, but I think I'm going to make this my "goal" purse for when my debt is all paid off. That should be good motivation, right??

I hope you had a great weekend and will you see back here next week!


Tuesday Food + Funny: Week Two

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Good Morning friends! This is a late post today, because I chose to go to bed early last night instead of staying up and finishing my post .... priorities, right?

I hope you all had an amazing weekend! We are still on such a high after that Patriots v. Jaguars game! I think I held my breath the entire game, and I don't think I have ever wanted a WIN more than I did that game - and I still can't believe that I'm going to see the Patriots in the SuperBowl!!! Ahhh!

Girl Chat {Reintroductions}

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Happy Thursday, friends!! Today, I am linking up for the first Girl Chat of 2018 with Danielle, Emily, Lindsay, Lizzie and Sierra :)

If you are new here, welcome! My name is Gentel and I have been blogging for about six years. This is the third blog I have started, and this is the one that will stay!! My first blog involved wedding planning and all that fun stuff, my next blog was my mama+lifestyle blog as a wife and new mom, but I recently got divorced and have found myself on a new path so I felt like a fresh start was best!

I work part time as a freelance bookkeeper with my BS in Business. I am currently researching Graduate programs in Accounting, because my ultimate goal is to continue to build my bookkeeping business. I would love to eventually have a team of other bookkeepers! Bookkeeping was definitely not the world I thought I would end up in, but I do enjoy my work and my clients, but most importantly I appreciate the flexibility it gives me as a single mom.

My daughter, Grace, is 3 1/2 and she is the light of my life! She is my moon and my entire world. The past few months have been a bit of a rough transition for us but, as any mom will tell you, I would do anything for her and her happiness! She is the spiting image of her father with all the sass and attitude of her mama!

I am also dating a pretty amazing guy, who is very meh about social media, so you won't see toooo much of him around here! We met through work, and were good friends until after I separated from my ex and began dating. I believe our foundation as friends was what helped solidify our relationship. He is sweet, funny, loves to cook and spoils us rotten.

A few other things about me:

  • I'm originally from Hawaii, and still have close family that live there. It's my favorite place on earth!
  • I LOVE to travel. It's one of the things I look forward to doing the most! And it doesn't matter if I'm going two hours from home, or two thousand miles ..... adventure fills my soul.
  • I also love wine. Red and white, I'm not picky! My two current favorites are Dreaming Tree (red) and Sancerre Sauvignon Blanc.
  • Cooking has become my jam. Pete and I really enjoy cooking and spending time together in the kitchen. This week, I started a series on Tuesdays sharing a new recipe so you'll find that each week!
  • I always have to have my nails painted. It's just one of those weird things, I don't feel complete if my nails are bare or chipped! 
  • I also (in my very spare time) sell magical, unicorn shampoo - if you've ever used Monat, you know what I'm talking about! And if you haven't heard of it, I'm happy to send you a sample! 
  • I love lists, making lists about lists, and organizing my lists. 
  • I'm addicted to buying planners. I think I have 3 for 2018 and I'm using 0 of them. I almost bought a 4th one yesterday but stopped myself! 
  • I upgraded to the iPhone 8+ specifically for the portrait camera setting and it's amazing the quality of pictures that it takes! I love taking photos.
  • I suffer from a generalized anxiety disorder, that flares up during particularly stressful times, but I've thankfully learned how to manage it.
  • I believe that everyone should be in therapy. 
  • I don't watch much TV anymore, but my favorite shows are anything reality on Bravo, Grey's Anatomy and This Is Us.
  • I love to read and am currently reading three different books! I gave up my nightly TV to read before bed. 
  • I love football and especially our New England Patriots! 
  • I definitely do not consider myself to be an expert, but since I do know a few things about the topics - I have had several friends and readers ask me to do a series on divorce, single parenting, dating again, etc so I do plan on starting a blog series about that soon! 
  • Blogging is my creative outlet - I love to write and I'm a classic "over sharer". But I love sharing my thoughts, feelings and life stories because I believe that we all have something to give that can help, inspire or encourage someone else. 

That is pretty much me in a nutshell! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask - I am an open book! Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday Food + Funny

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Welcome to the first post in my Food+Funny series! Part of the reason I took such a long break from blogging was because I struggled with good content, and didn't want to post something just to post something. You feel me?

So I came up with Food+Funny - because really, who doesn't like food and who doesn't like to laugh?

One of the things that I have been doing a ton of lately is cooking. Pete and I both love to cook, and it's become so therapeutic! I love the whole process (well, except maybe the cleaning up part!) and I've become more adventurous. We regularly cook and eat all kinds of fish, and am using tons of vegetables that I would never have touched before (I'm looking at you, fennel!).

Add to that a three and a half year old who regularly keeps me laughing and on my toes, and the idea was born! I hope to post these each Tuesday. We do a bigger, more time-consuming meal on Sundays and we do "Meatless Monday" in addition to the 2-3 other times a week we cook. So some of my recipes might be a little more involved or "fancy", and others perfect for a busy weeknight. I hope you enjoy them!

Five on Friday: Currently

Friday, January 12, 2018

It's Friday! I'm so looking forward to this weekend as we are having a mini stay-cation in Boston to celebrate my birthday. Fancy dinner, sleeping in, room service? Yes please!

Currently reading // I picked this up at Barnes & Noble last week, and it's so good! Navigating life as a single mom is so confusing and there are so many things I need to do to take care of us, and this book is part self-help/part therapy/part comedic relief. If you or someone you know are (or will be) a single mom, I highly recommend this!

Currently using //You guys. I am OBSESSED with the Sunday Riley skincare line. My skin is glowing and looks so clear and healthy! Definitely pricey, so I started with this starter set and have been using it for over a month and I've barely made a dent .... a little goes along way, so it will last a long time! I'm using Ceramic Slip CleanserGood Genes Lactic Acid TreatmentC.E.O. Rapid Flash Brightening Serum, Luna Sleeping Night Oil, and Auto Correct Brightening and Depuffing Eye Contour Cream

Currently listening // I am clearly way behind, but I just discovered podcasts. I KNOW. Anyway, I've been listening to S-Town (so incredibly good! especially if you like thrillers and murder mysteries), and The Skinny Confidential. Lauren is a blogger and has created an entire brand around TSC, and I finally started listening to her podcasts and they are so good! Tons of great guests and lifestyle/beauty/health tips. I typically just put one on when I'm home working, or just hanging out. 

Currently eating // If you follow me on Instagram (see snippets at the bottom of the page, or @gentelly) you'll see I posted about these crackers yesterday. I made them with peanut butter and chopped bananas and strawberries, but I'm excited to try them with cheese and avocado too! They are super healthy and so filling! I got them at my local Stop and Shop.

Currently planning // A trip to Minneapolis in three weeks because we are going to the SuperBowl! I'm still in shock and can't even believe it. This is a crazy-once-in-a-lifetime-trip!! I am hoping and praying our Patriots are in it, but I know it will be so much fun no matter what! We have our game tickets and flights, and are narrowing down our Airbnb. I'm also busy researching things to see, do and eat! If you've been to or are from the area, I would love to hear your recommendations!!

Happy Friday friends!


Friday Favorites: Week One

Friday, January 5, 2018

Happy New Year friends! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday and New Year! We had a great few weeks, lots of snow days and lots of sick days too haha! Thankfully, we are all on the mend and I'm anxious to get back into the swing of things!

Today I thought I would share some of my goals/plans for 2018 - mostly so I have a place to hold myself accountable, haha!

1) More financially aware: This might seem kind of strange as a soon-to-be-34-year-old, but I came out of my divorce with very little idea about my finances. I didn't even know the log in information to most of my accounts, when things were due, etc. I spent the last five years with someone else managing it all for me. I've been working on getting myself organized, setting up some sort of a budget, and making a plan for paying off debt and starting to save. I didn't have a 401k account, and am finding myself completely starting over. It's a bit scary and overwhelming, and most of me wants to stick my head in the sand and ignore it, but it's time to be a big girl! I know there are tons of apps that can help me with my money goals, so if you have any recommendations, I would love to hear them!

2) Keep plants alive : This one is so silly, but I do not know how to keep plants alive! And for Christmas, my boyfriend bought me this Fiddle Fig plant - that I have wanted for SO long! - and I'm determined to keep it alive and thriving! Any tips??

3) Be more organized in my business(es): If you don't know this about me, I do freelance bookkeeping for local businesses in addition to slinging magical shampoo! This is the first year that I'm 100% freelance, so I know I need to be better prepared for taxes. I also want a more organized office space to dedicate to my work so that I can focus. I have hired a Mother's Helper 2-3 hours a week to hang out with Gracie so that I can focus on my work and not feel like I'm being torn between my work and entertaining my child :) I'd also like to build my business up more this year, and would like to take on between 3-5 new clients by the end of the year.

4) Travel: This is always a goal for any year, I absolutely LOVE to travel! This year, I am hoping to go to Napa, the Bahamas and Hilton Head. I'm sure we'll squeeze in a few more as well :)

5) Learn to read Tarot cards: This is totally a new one! I have been so interested in mediums and psychics my entire life, and I love having my cards read. In early December, we had a dual reading with a local medium and it was such an incredible reading, and I left there feeling so positive and inspired. For Christmas, Pete surprised me with this set of tarot cards and I was so shocked! He's an engineer and a very "black and white" thinker, so believing in any sort of mediums is a HUGE stretch for him. But he knew how much it meant to me, and so he surprised me. It is one of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever received. So my goal for this year is to delve into it and really gain an understanding of the cards and their meanings!

What are some of your goals and plans for 2018?


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