
Five on Friday

Friday, January 26, 2018

Woohoo, we made it to the weekend! Let's take a minute to have a dance party to celebrate!

I have been working from home this entire week + it's bitterly cold outside, so I feel like I am going a little bit stir crazy!! I am planning a work-from-home post soon because as fun as it sounds, it's sometimes not very fun and requires good time management and organization.

Ok on to my five favorites for the week!

1) I posted about this on Insta the other day .... I'm addicted to chlorophyll water. I found out about the magic of chlorophyll from The Skinny Confidential, and decided to pick up this bottle from WholeFoods. It's $12.99 and has 32 servings - I'm assuming if you take it twice a day. I put two tablespoons in a big tumbler of ice and cold water, and then before bad I take a shot of one tablespoon. I think I'm sleeping better and feeling more energized. And the mint flavor is yummy. Read here for more benefits!

2) Detox foot pads - I don't know where I heard about these, but I saw them at TJMaxx last week and decided to pick up a package for $4.99 and try them out. I hate sleeping with anything on my feet, so I didn't LOVE that part, but in the morning, my pads were BLACK. Supposedly this meant that my liver needed a good detox (yikes, must be all that wine!). But, I felt amazing. I literally jumped out of bed at 6am. I am not a morning person, so that does not ever happen to me! You can also find a ton of them on Amazon!

2b) Pete thinks I'm crazy that I'm doing both of these. He says he's going to think of something totally random to bottle and sell to schmucks like me .... hey, what can I say? I'm always down for trying something new!

3) I officially started school this week. And five days in, I am already so overwhelmed. It's super challenging but very time consuming. I need to somehow find room in my schedule for at least 2 hours a day of school work. I know that I just need to really tighten up how I spend my days, and get better at not wasting time on random things. I am determined to be successful and do well in this class no matter what it takes, so wish me luck!

A few essentials - blanket, coffee, laptop and headphones! 

4) We leave for Minneapolis in ONE week, and I cannot freaking wait. I'm stalking the weather like a psycho, and planning and re-planning all my outfits. I know it will be super cold, and I'm trying to pack everything into a carryon - ha, I guess we'll see how well I do with that!!

5) I'm obsessing over this Gucci cross body bag. She's so pretty!!!! I absolutely cannot justify this kind of purchase right now, but I think I'm going to make this my "goal" purse for when my debt is all paid off. That should be good motivation, right??

I hope you had a great weekend and will you see back here next week!


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